Energy Efficient Building Resources

The various downloads and links below should help you on your energy efficient building journey…

Passive House Institute NZ

The Passive House Institute New Zealand (PHINZ) is an Incorporated Charitable Trust. Their mission is to increase the awareness of the benefits and opportunities of high-performance buildings based on the Passive House Standard, through research, education and building industry engagement.


NZGBC: A Zero Carbon Road Map for Aotearoa’s Buildings

Tackling climate change, and moving to zero carbon, will ensure New Zealanders and our businesses are healthier and happier. But a zero carbon Aotearoa, and all its benefits that New Zealanders will enjoy, is possible only if all our buildings and homes are zero carbon. From the New Zealand Green Building council.

MBIE: Building for Climate Change

Transforming the Building and Construction Sector to reduce emissions and improve climate resilience.

BRANZ Building Beyond Code Minimums

Many new houses are constructed to just meet minimum requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. Our houses will need to perform considerably better to help meet long-term national net-zero carbon targets.

Superhome Movement

The Superhome Movement operates as a not-for profit organisation with a number of key activities centred around education and lobbying to support change in the New Zealand building industry.


Healthy Home Design Guide 

The Healthy Home Design Guide has had input from over 70 professionals across New Zealand, working together to improve New Zealand’s housing quality. 

Healthy Home Design Guide

Living Building Challenge 

What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place.

The Living Building Challenge is the world’s most rigorous proven performance standard. Building performance is audited and measured over 12 months, so accreditation is on actual performance not just modelling.

Based on a framework of 7 petals: Place, Water, Energy, Health & Happiness, Materials, Equity and Beauty, the LBC offers a philosophy, certification, and advocacy tools for projects to move beyond merely being less bad and to become truly regenerative.

Living Building Challenge

ANZ Healthy Homes

Buying, building or renovating? We’ve got ways to help you have a home that’s healthier, more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.